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Bill's Seafood Restaurant (the Singing Bridge). Ct Shoreline

Fast food restaurant  
Bill's Seafood Restaurant (the Singing Bridge). Ct Shoreline is a golf course on 548 Boston Post Rd in Clinton. Update description

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Updates from Bill's Seafood Restaurant (the Singing Bridge). Ct Shoreline

Popularity of Bill's Seafood Restaurant (the Singing Bridge). Ct Shoreline

Bill's Seafood Restaurant (the Singing Bridge). Ct Shoreline Social Media Popularity Score:
4.9 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in March:
Bill's Seafood Restaurant (the Singing Bridge). Ct Shoreline has a total of 2919 visitors (checkins) and 182 likes.